My Journey

We live in the Pacific Northwest. The scope of nature out here is breathtaking. If you have never visited this area, I highly encourage you to make the trip. It’s so unique in so many ways. We love it. Having said that, the abundance of rain, at times, causes me to impulsively book a plane ticket to “anywhere sunny”! You can’t have everything, right? 

We moved out here 15 years ago but my roots are in the Midwest.  I grew up in Indiana, one of four kids, and earned a degree in education. My first job was teaching 5th graders, and I loved it! Watching students learn and mature in their relationships was so rewarding. But what I found myself doing on the weekends was studying everything I could get my hands on that had to do with interior design. After several years, when the time was right, I decided to take the leap and open my own interior design business. As my business grew so did my knowledge base, both in the area of design as well as business. 


a woman leaning on a window

During this time our kids were getting older, and so the college journey began. Much like starting my own business, I felt like I was working overtime just trying to absorb all the information needed to proceed through the college application process successfully. I was noticing that while the high school counselors were doing all they could to help students with this important time in the their lives, there simply weren’t enough hours in the day for them to attend to the needs of all the students.

“…I felt like I was working overtime just trying to absorb all the information needed to proceed through the college application process successfully.”

The thought occurred to me, what if there was another way to help these kids navigate what seemed to be an overwhelming maze of college information. That’s when I decided to start a nonprofit. Our mission would be to help students define and reach their college and career goals.

As the Executive Director, I structured our workshops to answer the most common questions that parents and students have about this complex process. Four years into the nonprofit experience, I decided I was ready to broaden the scope of the program and offer online help to students and parents. Life can get hectic, especially if both mom and dad are working. My goal is to provide a comprehensive guide to systematically prepare you and your student for the choices ahead so that together, you can feel confident about process. 

So here I am as a mom, educator, and experienced business owner sharing everything I know to help you make confident, stress-free decisions about this exciting chapter in your life! Let’s dig in! This will be fun!